Skinny vs Thick belt

A year or so ago we would see alot of thick belts right under the bust as a fashionable trend, but now its not so trendy. I would recommend adding a belt a couple inches lower. Thick or thin, it all depends on the outfit and your body type. Ill give you a few examples of what im talking about…

This thick belt and high-waisted skirt doesnt do much for this woman’s body. It actually draws all attention to her bust which isn’t the best look for her.

This this belt makes such a difference for this body type compared to the top pic. Not only is the belt thinner, but its a couple inches lower which helps create a nice waist- line for her.

Now that shirt dresses are in style and have been for quite some time, I want to show you the difference between what looks right and what doesnt.

This girl had the right idea, I just think that she would pull off this “shirt dress” look with a thinner belt rather than this bulky one. and the same with the image below

The image below is a great example of how to pull off a thicker belt with a shirt dress

Now here are some ideas on how to wear a thin belt…..

Hope you have a great day!!  now go out there and belt it up the right way!

Let your imagination run~Paula Danielle

1 thought on “Skinny vs Thick belt

  1. Love the thick belt on the shirt dress. I agree the first two thick belt examples are slightly off, but I can’t say why – the composition of the picture, the dress, or the actual belt?

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