Inspire me Wednesday!

Learning to say "no"
We wanted to talk about how we find it so hard to say “no” sometimes to do things we really don’t want to do or accepting help from those who offer. Why do we do that? Why not accept the help if we need it or feel comfortable saying “no” to a favor we really don’t want to do? Maybe it’s because we feel like we don’t want to let down the people we love and care about. We want to please everyone and take on as much as we can. So when others ask if we need help, we automatically say “no” because we like to think and tell ourselves, we can accomplish everything on our own and don’t need anyone elses help. What we need to realize is that some people enjoy helping out others, so we should accept the help. We shouldn’t feel guilty saying “no” instead why not be honest with ourselves and others. If we are constantly saying “yes” or committing to more than we can take on, we may become more of a let down because we become overwhelmed.
What do you think about this topic?
Can you relate?
Do you have any advice to anyone out there who is a people pleaser?
If so, please share by replying on our blog.
we would love to hear from you!
Let your imagination run, Love who you are~ Ashley & Paula

Jeans for spring

Jeans for spring


Yoga jeans come in mid-rise skinny, straight and boot cut, variety of colors and washes. Bella Boutique, located in The Longwood Shopping center in Salon Secrets, carries them along with other colored jeans!! Right now they have the yoga jean in black and white but will soon carry turquoise and pink ankle cut in April. Let’s discuss now how colored jeans are so in!! How fun is that?

“This season, color yourself in denim! Jewel tones are all the rage. Pair with a neutral top and blazer for a great pulled together look” – Amy Fowler from Bella Boutique
~Check out Amy sporting the Blue Denim made by
    Kut From The Kloth
~The White Cropped jeans are the new trend of the Yoga Jeans
~The Purple Skinnys are also so trendy made by Bella Dahl!
     ****Go Check out Bellas Selection of Colored Jeans*****
I would love to see some pics of you bloggers out there who have a pair of one of these new trendy jeans and want to share!!!
~Let our Imagination Run…..Paula Danielle

“Your Weekend Project”

mason jars

I think it’s safe to say we all love mason jars!!! There are so many ways you can use them. And you can go to just about any where and pick them up for cheap! Here are a few that I put together for you and I even threw in a picture from my work space of how I use mason jars. There are a couple of links below of instructions on how to put some of the ideas together. I hope you enjoy! And happy weekend 🙂 “Love who you are”~Ashley

Painted Mason jars

“Inspire Me Wednesday”

We Challenge You
Ok here is your challenge…. You need to write down four-five things that you would like to accomplish for the month of March. One goal for each week. We all are busy!, whether it’s running the kids here and there, writing that paper for school or working up the corporate ladder. There’s no excuses! You have to be able to take care of yourself in order for everything to run smoothly. It can be as simple as taking a half an hour out of your day to soak in the tub or curl up with that book you’ve been meaning to read since Christmas. If you can’t give yourself at least that your probably putting too much on your plate.
We would love to collect feedback on what you treated yourself to, and then post them at the end of the month. So remember to take some pics of your pretty pedicure or your night in with the gals and email them to us 🙂
I know it’s hard to put yourself first sometimes but YOU HAVE TO DO IT!!! Until next Wednesday….
“Love who you are” ~Ashley and Paula

“Bring on the Entertaining”

I’m loving these vintage bar carts, they are a must for entertaining!!! They work great even in the smallest spaces. I found a lot of fun accessories to go with your bar/entertaining space. I’m still looking for that perfect house cocktail to try out this spring/summer for my friends and family to try. Anyone willing to share their favorite cocktail recipe with me?

“Love who you are”~ Ashley Bring on the drinks

Your Weekend Project- “Stylish Storage”

Ahhhh- the feeling of being organized! If you have read my profile then you know that I’m expecting my little man to come any day now!!! So I’ve been going crazy around my house getting organized! And of course you have to keep it stylish at the same time. So here are a few ideas for your spaces. You can click on the links below for further instructions. Enjoy your weekend and let me know what project you tackled this weekend!! Until next time…..”Love who you are”~AshleyStylish Storage


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